Araxxe will participate to the Risk & Assurance Group Conference (RAG) in Sydney, Australia on the 30th & the 31st of January 2018.
Tim Haentjens, our VP Sales EMEA & APAC, will be there on both days. Feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance.
Tim will be a pannelist, see more here :
Araxxe will attend the GSMA Fraud & Security Group (FASG #10) in Athens, Greece from the 30th of January to the 2nd of February 2018.
Feel free to contact Frederick Van de Weghe, our CCO, by email if you want to schedule a meeting in advance (
Araxxe’s expertise and various fraud cases profiled in TRI report!
For the second time, Araxxe participated in a study from Technology Research Institute (TRI). This research study, which has just been released, is a 381-page research report that analyses the challenges, successes, failures, and dreams of fraud control professionals.
Dan Baker (TRI’s Research Director and Owner) interviewed Araxxe’s Experts and summarized some insights about us in an 8 pages document.
Why read it?
Well, first, it’s more than a company profile… This document will actually give you great insight into Araxxe’s strategy and tools used to tame bypass fraud. Additionally, you will find detailed, real life examples of fraud cases: definitions on what we call Outgoing SIM Box, SMS Fraud by OTT’s, Ghost trunks… and more.
Download the report here and if you need any additional information about our products our services, don’t hesitate to contact us!
More info about the study can be found at: Telecom Fraud Management Services, Software & Strategies 2017
‘Let’s find the device and tariff best for you’ ‘What type of deal are you looking for today?’
Operators want to be the first in the market to launch new and innovative offers, this to differentiate from competition. You leave consumers the choice and let them ‘pick and choose’ rate plans and change them anytime.
But how do you handle these new offers in your billing chain? Have you considered that they may disrupt the billing system?
Quick time-to-market means high risk of incurring billing errors: are you testing if the billing of those new plans works correctly? Billing error directly impacts either the operator revenues, or the company reputation!
So… more new offers or more new billing errors? What if you could test those rate plans in a timely, proactive, and targeted way?
From Friendly User Testing to automated comprehensive testing
When launching new offers, it is a common practice for the operators to perform Friendly User Testing (FUT). However, those are manual tests with a limited functional coverage (e.g. roaming services or international calls are not usually tested).
How Araxxe can help you?
Araxxe is the sole provider to have defined a systematic approach with Automated Testing to verify exhaustively Rate plans within operator’s billing chains before the launch of new offers!
You can pick and choose the new rate plans to be tested, and our standard test cases include the Home Network, Roaming, Voice SMS, MMS and even Data!
With this monitoring service, we offer a Quick Validation Process with a two-step approach:
Using this system Araxxe can provide an exhaustive billing analysis of generated transactions. We prioritize and deliver actionable findings supported by detailed proof reports and estimated business impacts.
This flexible, managed service is tailored to suit your internal processes, without additional delays in the validation timeframe.
These results can be easily used as a go / no-go decision from marketing team!
You will also benefit from Araxxe’s unique expertise in both test campaign design and billing verification.
If you want to know more about this service, or any other Revenue Assurance or Fraud Detection solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be glad to help!
Araxxe will sponsor & attend the GSMA Fraud & Security Group (FASG #9) in Macau, China from the 12th to the 14th of September 2017.
Feel free to contact Tim Haentjens, our VP Sales EMEA & APAC, by email if you want to schedule a meeting in advance (
As a proud member of the CFCA (Communications Fraud Control Association), we will sponsor & participate to the CFCA Fall Educational Event in Dallas, USA from the 3rd to the 5th of October 2017.
Frederick Van de Weghe, our Chief Commercial Officer, will be there all days to discuss last trends in the world of telecommunication fraud detection.
Feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance.
Araxxe will participate to the Risk & Assurance Group Conference (RAG) in Johannesburg, South Africa on the 4th & the 5th of September 2017.
Tim Haentjens, our VP Sales EMEA & APAC, will be there on both days. Feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance.
Araxxe elected as one of the best vendor of SIM Box Detection services by ROCCO Research Institute & 142 MNOs around the world!
N°1 in real time detection, in understanding of Fraud Detection, in Return of Investment and more…
Araxxe will sponsor the CFCA event in Miami, US.
Frederick Van de Weghe, International Sales & Marketing Director at Araxxe, will attend the next CFCA which is taking place from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2017 in Miami, US. Fred will be glad to meet you during the event, but if you want to schedule a meeting in advance, please send an email to
Risk Assurance Group - Bonn, Germany
Araxxe will attend & sponsor the Risk Assurance Group in Bonn, Germany.
Tim Haentjens, our VP Sales EMEA & APAC, will be on site on the 21st & 22nd of June 2017 so feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance.
Why Data Services Need High Definition Revenue Assurance – An Araxxe Whitepaper
It’s all about DATA! Araxxe has just released a whitepaper that will help you understand how Data services have evolved! Last year, for operators across the telecoms industry, these problems could be boiled down to two key questions: “How do I get my subscribers to use more data services?” “How can I improve data services monetization?” Telecom operators have been trying to answer these questions over the last months. They have launched a large panel of offerings about data services: focus on subscriber habits rather than data volume, new pricing models, new features… in one word: innovation! Download the whitepaper and if you have any questions related to it or to any of our Revenue Assurance or Fraud Detection services, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to help!
Data is now part of everybody’s life. Now, without data we find ourselves in strife. Be it because of automatic top up fees or having to recharge early, running out of data is one of the worst things most smartphone users will face! That is the reason why you see operators offering now a multitude of data bundles…
Market research forecasts more than 50% of data traffic growth per year, resulting in data consumption multiplied by 10 in the next 5 years! As for bundles, these have now become the biggest source of data revenue for you operators, data which steadily takes an increasing share of your total revenue!
But what has this shift to ‘Data bundles’ changed?
It has changed mainly how we consume data services: from few tens of megabytes to few Gigabytes. It has changed how operators sell data services as well: from ‘pay as consume’ to ‘per bundle’ scheme. Moreover, it has changed how operators bill data services: from a simple ‘price per data transaction’ to complex aggregation logic…
As a result, testing a data bundle is more complex, more points of control are required, a different approach is needed. And there is obviously an impact on billing verification!
How Araxxe can help you?
Araxxe is the unique provider to have defined a systematic approach to verify exhaustively data bundle implementation within operator’s billing chains. Control domains go from the subscription logic to the cancellation logic, from the price to the allowance, from the exit policy to the renewal policy without forgetting the validity period and the subscriber notification policy.
We verify data bundles with reference test plans to full customized test plans tuned to best suit your business priorities. As such bundle subscription via SMS, allowance rollover check, zero rated application within a data bundle like the new offer ‘Chat Zero’ launched by a major operator testing, throttling control, pro-rated allowance/price coherence verification are part of the monitoring scope.
We generate requested transactions according to test plans, we analyse based on provided public (and internal) tariff information.
We prioritize and deliver actionable findings supported by detailed proof reports and estimate business impacts.
If you want to know more about Data Bundle, or any other Revenue Assurance or Fraud Detection solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be glad to help!
As a proud member of the CFCA (Communications Fraud Control Association), Araxxe is pleased to sponsor & attend the CFCA Annual International Event in Prague, Czech Republic.
Tim Haentjens will be on site from the 2nd to the 4th of May 2017 so feel free to send an email to if you want to plan a meeting prior the event.
Araxxe is pleased to sponsor the next GSMA Fraud & Security Group (FASG #8) in Miami, US from the 9th to the 11th of May 2017.
You will meet Frederick Van de Weghe at our booth but if you want to schedule a meeting in advance, you can contact him at
Araxxe will participate to the GSMA Wholesale Agreements & Solutions LATAM (WASL) in Panama on the 25th & the 26th of April 2017.
Fidel Aponte will be there on both days so feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance.
North American wireless carriers proudly offer unlimited rate plans to their customers. But how do you know as a carrier if you invoice your customers correctly given the complexity to provision these offers properly and what impact it has on your wholesale business?
Download it here: “Beyond the limits” Revenue Assurance : An Araxxe Whitepaper.
Araxxe will attend the Telecoms Fraud and Revenue Assurance event in London, UK.
Frederick Van de Weghe will be on site on the 29th & 30th of March 2017 so feel free to send an email to if you want to plan a meeting prior the event.
Araxxe is pleased to sponsor the next Telecom Fraud, Risk & Revenue Management forum (FRR) in Marrakech, Morocco on the 30th & 31st of March 2017.
Philippe Orsini will be one of the speakers and will present a topic related to A2P SMS & SMS Fraud.
You can schedule a meeting with him in sending an email to
The last ten years, several things have happened in parallel in the telecoms world.
Retail and wholesale pricing schemes have changed, there are new regulatory constraints (e.g. EU roaming regulation). Moreover, fraudsters have access to advanced software, hardware and they have become professional organizations, making cash by tampering with highly interconnected networks...
So what does it mean for you, operators?
Traditional fraud schemes such as SIM Box fraud have materially evolved! In 2005 we were only talking about 2 types of bypass fraud: ‘on net’ and ‘off net’ bypass. In 2016, this terminology has become misleading and too simplistic as there are far more bypass types than two!
Additionally, new fraud schemes appeared: OTT bypass, Mobile Termination Rates Arbitrage, SMS termination Abuse to name only a few...
Our solutions to help you protect your network
At Arraxe, for each type of fraud, we have a solution, but a solution tailored to your needs.
If you are hit by SIM Box fraud, we will identify which SIM Box fraud you suffer from and then provide you with systematic proofs of bypass. We provide this service for both voice and SMS.
Do you suspect OTT bypass?
We will identify the originating operators or carriers that terminate traffic on your networks.
What about Mobile Termination Rates Arbitrage?
We make sure that the origin-based surcharges are properly applied and we identify the originating operators and bypass techniques.
For Interconnect Ghost Trunks, our main goal is to identify the precise place where the calls enter your network, pinpointing the fraud even if trunks have been protected or hidden by the fraudsters.
International SIM Box fraud is also becoming a global problem! We can detect your SIM cards committing fraud in different regions across the globe!
Araxxe - an integrated solution with in depth investigation expertise.
Araxxe will participate to the Risk & Assurance Group (RAG) in London, UK on the 15th & the 16th of March 2017.
Regis Miqueu will be there on both days so feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance
Araxxe will participate to the Telecom Fraud Control & Revenue Assurance Forum (TFCRA 2017) in Johannesburg, South Africa on the 9th & the 10th of February 2017.
Tim Haentjens will be there on both days so feel free to contact him at to schedule a meeting in advance