Market research forecasts more than 50% of data traffic growth per year and resulting in data consumption multiplied by 10 in the next 5 years!
So why should you care?
Not only because data services are or will become your 1st source of revenue but also because billing of data services evolves in a highly complex and moving environment, challenging to understand when it comes to invoice your customers correctly.
What our service controls:
Our service checks mainly Data services metering and billing rules as well as user experience based on many various self-generated test data transactions:
different data types (http, ftp, mail, MMS)
different subscriber segments (prepaid, postpaid, inbound roaming visitors)
different locations (home network and while outbound roaming attached to 2G, 3G or 4G networks).
single data transaction to data bundle with related subscriber notification
volume threshold, exit policy, renewal policy, validity period, rating step ...
We monitor since 10 years such complex evolving revenue chain delivering from specific targeted audits to recurring data billing verification programs for emerging, mid-tier and tier 1 operators.
Contact us and we will explain you how we can provide to your revenue assurance/risk management teams actionable findings: clear view of applied data services metering and billing rules, a user experience view and the identification of opportunity areas to increase data services revenues.
Your business is our business, we help you harvest. Everywhere. That is our baseline and our promise: Araxxe is focusing on all services that could be of interest to you.
The rules of the game have changed: Digital television entered the world of telecom operators.
TV is no more considered marginal to the Telco's business. Your marketing team always focusses on creating new attractive offers for your customers of your telephony services but since a couple of years you also have to offer attractive bundles combining mobile, fixed, internet and... TV Services! TV is getting more and more Connected, Smart and Interactive.
There are today several new ways people can use interactive TV: Control your programming, buy products and services, vote or give your opinion...
So be ready!
Research shows that TV and IPTV services revenues are expected to see the fastest growth in the telecom industry! It is getting a bigger share of the pie in term of revenues. So how do you know your billing system is working properly when your customer orders a movie or pays to watch a football match?
Can you monitor this revenue chain? Araxxe can do this for you too!
Araxxe is monitoring the main features by generating selected test events.
Araxxe is identifying revenue leakages and billing errors by comparing the sample of events generated during the test campaign to the subscriber invoice including usage details.
Araxxe is checking whether the customer experience is in line with the operator expectations.
Use Cases, what are the findings?
The movie rented in HD quality has been invoiced at the (lower) price of a normal movie.
The VoD package has been cancelled but the service was still available after the scheduled end date.
The event booked through the Pay per View mode has been invoiced even though it was not possible to view the event.
The rented TV serie has been billed with a date later than the actual date.
Subscribe to Araxxe's Interactive TV monitoring services to be sure you capture all the revenues you are entitled to!
Are you ready to tackle new interconnect fraud schemes, such as OTT Bypass?
We know how to help you!
Over-the-top (OTT) players are currently a real headache for the telecom operators: OTT messaging competing with SMS, excessive pressure on bandwidth due to OTT data transactions.... But OTT providers are also changing the traditional interconnect scenarios.
For instance, connecting a voice call (or an SMS) usually leads to the payment of a termination fee: the price paid by the calling operator to the called operator for terminating a call on its network. As smartphone sales and OTT usage increases, a growing part of termination revenues are at risk: when a mobile user sends a Whatsapp message (instead of an SMS) or when he performs a 'Viber to Viber' call (instead of an international voice call), there is simply NO termination fee. And now OTT providers even enter the carrier landscape with only 1 goal... terminating regular voice calls on OTT applications and thus further reducing your interconnect revenues!
►►► Our experience in helping you fighting OTT bypass - Araxxe OTT Bypass Audits
Over a period of more than one year, we have delivered audits to especially detect OTT bypass and we gathered following insights:
Fraudsters are everywhere: we detected OTT bypass in all regions around the globe
We have detected OTT bypass in ALL Audits
Our sample shows an infection rate which is different from one region to other - see graph
Viber is risk #1
What about you? What are you doing to fight OTT Bypass?
We help you understanding the new threat of OTT bypass : we can quantify the potential revenue losses
Thanks to our extended knowledge and expertise, we use test campaigns especially designed to detect OTT bypass.
You take advantage of Araxxe its global test platform, including a large portfolio of routes and international telecom subscriptions amongst them OTT players
We operate -on your behalf- flexible test campaigns delivered in an industrialized way.
We team up with you to further integrate all your bypass detection solutions in order to create new synergies out of them.
You leverage Araxxe its unique expertise in both test campaign design and bypass fraud detection.
Fierce competition and increasing customer expectations are encouraging telecom operators to focus more on enhanced customer experience. On the one hand, operators want to be the first in the market to launch new innovative offers and to differentiate from competition. On the other hand, the customers are more and more demanding: any billing error directly impacts either the operator revenues, either the company reputation.
Quick time-to-market means high risk of incurring billing errors. Unfortunately the communication networks, the information processes & systems are not the flawless network components most people think they are! The reduced time for test cycles leads to higher risks of billing errors when launching new offers and new rate plans. This is why operators need to perform tests in a timely, proactive and targeted way. Simply to detect billing errors before they turn into customer complaints or revenue leakages.
From friendly user testing to automated comprehensive testing. When launching new offers, it is a common practice for the operators to perform Friendly User Tests (FUT). However FUT are manual tests with a limited functional coverage (e.g. roaming services are usually not tested).
Automated testing enables you to both save time and to perform comprehensive testing.